Author: edwong

Why we are bringing LAST Conference to Adelaide for the very first time

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The world of work is changing, and we think that the LAST Conference is a great way for professionals in Adelaide to tap into the discussion that is happening in Australia and around the world. We talked to the local organisers, about bringing this event to Adelaide for the first time on 30 May 2019.

New Ways of Working

You may have heard about ANZ’s “New Ways of Working”, where they are rethinking many of the ways their business operates:

Most of the things talked about, such as responding quickly to customer needs, and enhancing staff engagement, have roots in agile software delivery and the lean manufacturing methods that helped Toyota in the post-WWII, era.

The Adelaide Perspective

In Adelaide, we have seen a rise in the level of interest for lean and agile principles and methods. Added to this, Complexity Theory and Systems Thinking, are also areas that can be applied to the types of work that we see here.

LAST Conference Adelaide will be held for the first time ever, on 30 May, at Torrens Uni. LAST stands for Lean, Agile and Systems Thinking. The event started in Melbourne in 2012, and has since been staged three times in Sydney, and twice in Canberra and Brisbane.

The concept has always been about an affordable, community based event, where practitioners and those who want to learn from them, gather to exchange ideas and share experiences. The meetup scene, has been particularly important in bringing together like-minded and curious people at LAST. The agile meetup scene in Adelaide has been blossoming, with the Adelaide Agile group leading the charge:


Core principles of the LAST Conference concept are:

  • To increase knowledge, understanding and capability of lean, agile and systems thinking principles and practices in our community of practitioners in the hosting city
  • We believe that the best way to achieve this is to involve as many local community members as possible, as session leaders (speakers, facilitators), content curators and Local Organisers.


This event will rely on the contributions of Adelaide’s community of professionals who are interested in agility, lean principles and Systems Thinking. Submissions will open very soon.