
Submissions are now closed

1 JulyCall for submissions/proposals opens
Friday 2 AugustSubmissions/proposals closes at midnight
Program Committee reviews submissions
Sunday 18 AugustSpeakers notified and confirmed
Sunday 1 SeptemberAgenda published
Friday 27 SeptemberThe BIG day!

Click the button below to see submissions that are being considered by the Programme Committee

View submissions

What are we looking for?

We are looking for people with great stories, ideas, tips and tricks to share. Create a talk or workshop to inspire participants to try something to advance the Brisbane professional community and finish the day proud to be part of it.

We have the following submission categories:

  • AI applied
  • Awesome practices
  • Building for the next generation
  • Designing for the human experience
  • Equipping people for change
  • Reconnecting culture

One of our focus areas is the enormous need people have to understand the changes that are happening in work with the rise in all kinds of AI technologies. A sample of the topic areas that this could cover include:

  • Case studies: how people are using AI in their work
  • Opportunities, limitations, pitfalls and ethical issues
  • How jobs and roles are changing in an AI world.
  • Product management
  • technology developments
  • digital “transformation”
  • modern Systems Thinking
  • workplace change
  • software and product development
  • user and customer experience
  • leadership and management
  • organisational design and strategy
  • project management and process improvement
  • innovation and creativity

Our ethos

To understand how we do things, take a look into the origins and ethos of LAST Conferences, on the Submission Principles page which includes videos from a previous LAST info night.

Watch these videos!

In 2018 we held an info session in Melbourne, there are some logistics that are different for Brisbane the detail of submission links, contacts etc you will find on here. But what still applies, are the principles around the content, and the thought process submitters are encouraged to take. Even though we are being thorough about passing on the principles we want you to work on, there is still flexibility for you, when you submit ideas.

June 2024 Update

If you only watch one video, watch this at 1.5 or 2x speed!

This emphasises the main points in the videos below and any updates since then. It was recorded in 2022, but it still applies for this year.

Origins of LAST Conference

Relevant info is 2:00 to end of clip.

What content do we want. Part 1

Relevant info:

Please review the whole video.

  • What about Lean and Systems Thinking?
  • What is overdone?
  • Technical content

Note – Craig talks about 2 days and repeating sessions, this is not applicable in 2024.

What content do we want. Part 2.

Please review the whole video.

  • Contains a breakdown of who comes 

Note – There are fewer slots available than Craig shows on his slides.

Slides, Case Studies, other formats, Games.

Important! This video talks about different formats for sessions. Presentations in front of slides have their place BUT they can also be like treacle. Craig talks about other formats that we really like to encourage. Please review the entire video.

Submission process

We have an iterative process for LAST Conference submissions. Craig outlines this, substitue Brisbane for the Melboure references. Also see the Key Dates below.

  • Submissions open 1 July to 16 August
  • Successful Submissions August
  • Pre-Event preparation and support
  • LAST Conf Brisbane 27 September

Ready to put in a submission?

Add, view and share proposals on ConfEngine

Should I buy a ticket, if I put in a submission?

Yes. Don’t miss out on the early bird offer. Don’t miss out on getting a ticket. If you are selected as a speaker, we will refund your ticket.

Need more info?

LAST is a conference designed to be a platform for cross-discipline collaboration and the development of professional skills and knowledge. The conference is rooted in the lean and agile movements, but has a broader remit than just those domains. The theme of the conference centers around Innovating for Humanity, promoting a human-centric approach to innovation, encouraging speaker and attendees to create positive change with a deep understanding of the human element in ways of working and technological advancements We are looking for talks or workshops that inspire attendees to try something to advance the Brisbane Lean, Agile and Systems Thinking community and finish the day proud to be part of the community.

We encompass software and product development, user and customer experience, leadership and management, organisational design and strategy, project management and process improvement, innovation and creativity.

By coming together and sharing our knowledge and experiences with each other, we all learn to be better at work and can continue to grow and help others. You can draw from a variety of fields and experiences to contribute content.

People that come to LAST come from all walks of life and contribute together to grow the capabilities of the Brisbane workforce. Together we make all of us better.

Interpret the brief widely. Pitch us your ideas.

Be as detailed as possible in your submission, as this will help you to refine your idea in your own mind, help the content curation team select your session, and allow people who are coming to LAST to decide that they want to come and participate in your session/s.

Don’t forget, you can edit your session and adjust the idea prior to the event, so don’t think that you’ve only got one chance.

As we are focused on the local community, we don’t expect people to travel from interstate or overseas to participate, although you are welcome if you choose to come. LAST is an event with low registration prices, we need to keep overheads low. Therefore, we generally do not reimburse travel and accommodation or pay a fee to session leaders/speakers.

We are not only looking for talks/presentations, but you could also run a workshop, play a game or do a lightning talk.

New to Public speaking?

Looking for some inspiration? Have a read of this blog post, for a first timers view of presenting.

Still not sure? Send us an email with your idea(s).

[email protected]