The Speakers

Norman Bodek

Sandra Davey

Matthew Hodgson

Kim Ballestrin

Peter Lam

Ed O’Shaughnessy

Mia Horrigan

William Lester

Shane Wheller

Melinda Harrington

Alan Taylor

Martine Sholl
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Keynote presentation from Norman Bodek
Norman is known as the “The Godfather of Lean”. He has published over 200 books, including translating the legendary Toyota Production System authors, such as Shingo and Ohno, into English.
He will be joining LAST Conference Canberra, from his home in Portland, via video. See below, for a sample of his presentation at LASTconf Melbourne.
The Schedule
- Sandra Davey – Thinking is Good Feeling is Better
- Tim Berman – Agile – choose your own adventure
- Ed O’Shaughnessy – Go Forth and Self-Organise! Strategies & Tactics for Building Great Teams
- Mia Horrigan – ScrumDiddlyumptious & The Killjoys – lessons on cultural change, agile mindset and how two teams on the same large scale agile transformation project could be oh so different
- Shane Wheller – Introducing Public Service Agile: Bringing Agile to the Australian Public Service
- Will Lester – Experience Design within Scrum – Sharing my experience as a designer working within the Scrum process
- Kim Ballestrin – Using Cynefin to Navigate Uncertainty
- Peter Lam – Using Jurgen Appelo’s Management 3.0 to build better teams
- Matthew Hodgson – Scaling Agile in Government: The good, the bad and the ugly
- Melinda Harrington – Why you weren’t Agile before you were Agile
- Alan Taylor – Learn to Play; Play to Learn!
- Martine Sholl – 7 steps to coaching agile non-software development teams
- Raj Kannan – Building, Supporting and Sustaining High -Performance Teams
- Alex Sloley – Coaching Up to the C-Suite
Printable Schedule Grid (PDF)
Online Schedule (