Author: johnc

7 things you NEED to know about LAST Conference Canberra 2018!

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Following on from LAST Conference’s successful debut in Canberra in 2017, we’re very pleased to announce LAST Conference Canberra is all systems go for 2018!

The theme for 2018 is ‘Level Up!’ and while that primarily describes what we hope our attendees will get out of it, we’re really hoping the conference itself is going to be even bigger and better this year too!

Let’s quickly catch you up on what we’ve been up to and give you a little info to get you excited for the conference this year…

The Seven Things you NEED to know about LAST Conference Canberra 2018:

  1. It’s happening! 😉
  2. We’ve got the gang back together – well, most of us, along with some new faces
  3. We’ve got a date! – 21 September 2018 – get that blocked out in your calendars ASAP
  4. We’ve got a bigger venue!  This year LAST Conference Canberra will be held at the Ann Harding Conference Centre at the Uni of Canberra
  5. We’ve updated the website – You’re on it.  The new website is live and being tweaked as we go.  Explore a little.
  6. We’re open for submissions/proposals for talks now!
  7. We’re also selling tickets now – We’re using Eventbrite again and have early-bird pricing available for the keenest among you

Well that’s a little bit about us (for now)… Excited yet!? 😉

How can YOU get involved?

Well, firstly grab an early-bird ticket to avoid disappointment. Early-bird pricing will save you $20 off the normal ticket cost – this discount ends on 15 August.

Got a talk in you that you’re itching to get out and share with the Lean, Agile and Systems Thinking community?  We’d like to hear about it.  Don’t delay! – submit a proposal for a talk through ConfEngine here.

Please follow us on social media.  We’d really appreciate some likes, retweets and reposts – keep an eye out for posts coming soon. Follow the links in the menu to the right for all our social media accounts.

Lastly, please tell your friends about LAST Conference 2018.  If you came last year and enjoyed it, tell your friends, colleagues, meetups, family, dog etc – help us spread the word about LAST Conference Canberra 2018!

Get ready to Level Up!  It’s gonna be a blast.