We also have a general FAQ page.
What is clubhouse.lastconference.com/Stripe/Quaderno?
To streamline registration as much as possible, we are using the system used by LAST Club to take registrations. The LAST Club lives at the the domain clubhouse.lastconference.com and is the system we use to take registrations for LAST Conferences. Stripe is the credit card payment processing system. We use a system called Quaderno to send tax invoices.
As part of registering for LAST Conference Adelaide we will grant you access to LAST Club as a Free Member. This will allow you to access the Free Member library that has content drawn from out online series of talks and workshops, as well as offers and discounts from partners of LAST.
You will also be invited to join the LAST Club’s Slack, that has over 3000 members who are interested in the ideas explore at LAST Conferences.
Can we pay with Diners Club? How about cash or cheque?
Sorry, our credit card payment system doesn’t allow payments to be made with Diners.
Please consider your own credit card, and claiming it back on expenses. The cost is low, so it should easily fall within your expenses limit!
What about Cash? — Sorry, we can’t accept cash payments.
What about Cheque? — What is this “cheque” you speak of?
Payment by invoice/bank transfer
Under some circumstances, we can issue an invoice that allows payment by bank transfer. This is only for registrations of 5 or more people from the same company. There may also be an extra fee charged if we are required to be added as a supplier to your procurement system.
Can I get a tax invoice?
When your registration is processed via Stripe, you should receive a Tax Invoice that is issued by Quaderno on behalf of Tabar Pty Ltd, who are the founders of LAST Conferences.
Can I change my details, or send someone else instead of me?
Yes. This is free, but please us know so the details can be changed so that your replacement’s details are in our system properly and they receive the important information about the event.
Can I get a refund?
Please consider sending someone else in your place. You can change the name on your registration at any time.
If you wish to cancel…
- before midnight AEST on Friday 7 April. 100% refund.
- before midnight AEST on Friday 21 April . 50% refund*
- before midnight AEST on Friday 5 May. 25% refund*
No refunds are available after midnight AEST on Friday 5 May 2023.
Event t-shirt
We don’t include the cost of a shirt in the registration fee, but we do have a t-shirts bearing the LAST logo available for purchase via Redbubble. Check out the designs here.
Can I get a group discount?
The registration cost has already been set deliberately low. Therefore, we aren’t offering a group discount.
Why do you need extra info?
We will only use your information in the organisation of the event, or to let you know about related issues (such as other events offered by Tabar). It will be very easy for you to unsubscribe if our messages aren’t relevant for you.
We need to know your basics such as Name, and email, of course. We also ask for your mobile phone number, in case we need to contact you about something relating to the event.
As organisers, Tabar will use your email details contact you about LAST Conference and other related events that we organise, such as training. We promise to not bombard your email inbox.
We ask for your Job Title and Company, because it helps us get an idea of who’s going to be coming, and helps us to tailor the day to your needs.
We need your Work Address in order to issue a Tax Invoice.
We will also ask for any special dietary, or access requirements, to best cater for you on the day. Thanks for letting us know, we will do our best to fulfill your requirements.