
LAST News Feb 2014

posted 25 Feb 2014, 15:49 by Ed Wong

Here’s our latest newsletter, in case you missed it.

You can sign up to our email list receive future updates.

Get ready for July 2014

posted 16 Feb 2014, 21:56 by Ed Wong   [ updated 10 May 2015, 15:42 ]

We are back

We’ll be back for the third LAST in July 2014. We are working with Swinburne on a specific date, but it will be on a Friday in their winter break.

What was last year like?

Take a look at the Lanyrd page for 2013. There’s a lot of coverage there including, slides and videos.

Dates for session submissions

We will be making some changes to how the schedule works this year, so keep an eye out here and on our Twitter account for updates. We will be asking for ideas for sessions, soon.

You can also join our mailing list.

Start thinking what you would like to teach the community, and what you could learn from the community! Rememeber, there are no attendees at LAST, we're ALL contributors.

Sponsors please

We need financial support from companies, in order to keep the event low cost, so if your organisation would like to sponsor us, please let me know, via our contact form, or by the other, usual means.


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