Agile Developer Immersion Workshops – Inclusion and access program
For a couple of years, we have run workshops that allow participants to learn or brush up on important technical skills that support agility in software development. Technical excellence is at the heart of agility, so it’s important to us to offer this for the community.
The format of the sessions is inspired by the Coderetreat movement, with some changes that have been introduced by the facilitators of the sessions, especially the Refactoring session. Unlike the official Coderetreat days, we do charge a registration fee. This is mainly to cover costs. At $120, we really think this it’s a really affordable opportunity to learn from some great, experienced colleagues.
Nevertheless, we want to encourage people who might find the registration cost prohibitive, so are sponsoring a number of free or discounted seats.
We envisage this to be for University (especially Swinburne) students, very recent graduates, those who have been between jobs or are switching careers, or people who may be from what could be considered under-represented groups. In general, if you are in paid employment, where your employer would pay the registration fee ($120), you would not be eligible for this application process. Register here.
NOTE – Applications will close at midnight on Tuesday 10 July. 5pm on Thursday 12 July.
Find out more:
Basic Workshop on ConfEngine
Refactoring Workshop on ConfEngine
There is also more, general information in this blog post.
1 thoughts on “Agile Developer Immersion Workshops – Inclusion and access program”
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May 15, 2019 at 5:17 pm
[…] that have been tried include, adding remote opening speakers to present via video link, running agile Developer workshops, heightening the FOMO by runnning lots of concurrent streams, encouraging people to bring games, […]