Leading delivery in a remote-first world

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About the talk
Co-located features teams underpin most of today’s delivery processes. Most Agile delivery practices look to meet agile principles like; “The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation”. As an industry, we have moved from managing to leading delivery groups and teams. On March 1st, 2020, the first Australian death as a result of COVID-19 was reported. By mid-March, a wave of Organisations enacted work for home policies, and today most delivery teams are working remotely.
Over the last ten years, we have established agile and leadership practices for work environments that no longer exist. Will we ever go back to those environments? I would suggest not! I suggest that this hyper-distributed team(s) model is here to stay, and we need to adapt to work with it.
We need to adapt our leadership and delivery processes to work in this new remote-first, hyper-distributed model. There are practices and models in action today that are showing good results. Some methods and models, over and above zoom meetings, are working today.
With a remote-first way of working there are no reals experts out there, it’s new to most of us. This presentation details ways of working that are working and areas that need focus. This presentation looks to start enabling you, through examples, to be leaders of a hyper-distributed remote-first delivery team(s).
About John
John is Manager Solutions Architecture, ISV at Amazon Web Services. He’s previously been a key speaker at LAST Conferences in Brisbane and Sydney and been a presenter/panellist at LAST Conference Melbourne
He is a leader, transformer, creator, and developer of diverse delivery teams. Working in IT for over 30 years, and in the last 12+ years, has focused on building new and transforming existing delivery teams to become ones that other organisations aspire to emulate. The teams have varied in size and structure from large 200 people size to 40 people, from all centrally located in-house teams to geographically disperse ones which span multiple countries.
John grew up in IT, has worked in it for 30+ years, across multiple geographies; originally in the UK, Europe, US, Asia and now in Australia.
Title: Leading delivery in a remote-first world
Date: Wed, 27 May 2020
Duration: 60 minutes
Start Time:
Melbourne, Sydney. 09:30am AEST
Find your local time
Keywords: remote work, distributed teams, agile, delivery
About LAST Anywhere Talks
LAST stands for Lean, Agile and Systems Thinking. It was born out of meetup groups and then a conference, started in Melbourne AU in 2012. Since then, it grew to also be held in Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra and Adelaide. 1st Conference (Organisational Agility) and Spark the Change Melbourne (Meaning and Purpose at work and in society) are related conferences.
LAST Anywhere talks and workshops draw subject matter from the full range of topics covered by LAST, 1st and Spark the Change. Delivered online, they aim to provide non-formal learning and valuable interactions, and extend on the value provided by physical events.
All you need is a good internet connection, a webcam, headphones, and a microphone. Also, you will need the focus to be present and make the most of the session.