LAST Conference Anywhere

LAST Anywhere Talk with Katy Cooper

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Future of Data: Sovereignty or Surrender with Katy Cooper

This is the first part of a talk that was part of the LAST Conference Anywhere series. Extended versions of the most recent talks in the series are available for FREE at the LAST Clubhouse. The complete archive of full-length talks is available for Clubhouse Full Members.

About the talk

In her talk, Katy explores the future of data ownership and value. As we move towards an increasingly more connected world, organisations are building products and services based on vast amounts of data from their customers and other secondary sources.

  • What if the future saw control shift back into the hands of the individual and the sharing of data was no longer a given?
  • What if an individual was able to own their own data and share it based on an equitable value exchange?

Stemming from an epiphany in a corporate lecture theatre 8 years ago, Katy has been on a journey of discovery about personal data sovereignty and the future of commercial value exchange. This journey has seen her gain experience with senior corporate roles focussed on Customer Strategy and Transformation across many industries, nurture start-ups on knowing their customer, build her own consulting business and tutor University students on data bias and data driven decision making.

Katy will join us via video from Tasmania, Australia

About Katy

Katy helps organisations build strategic plans for a future they can’t see yet. She develop leaders who can lead through ambiguity and change. She helps organisations understand the future of work and what leading the future looks like. She is obsessively curious about ideas and the potential that collaboration has for exponential growth in businesses. She has a super power that allows her to create connections and expand ideas beyond what you ever imagined possible.

She is an energetic, highly skilled collaborator, speaker and facilitator who is also a proud Tasmanian. With 20+ years’ experience in retail, customer experience and strategic management, human resources, financial services, tourism and hospitality and technology industries.

Her particular passion is for data and for understanding the future of the value of an individuals’ data. Her experience has helped her form a powerful vision that looks at the transference of ownership of data back to the individual whilst expanding the opportunity for organisations to transform to provide more personalised, transparent and meaningful products and services to consumers.

Katy is currently being certified to join the Singularity U Australian Faculty and is Chapter Lead for Tasmania. She is Managing Director of DisruptiveCo Pty Ltd, a futures consultancy business. She is also the leading force behind Tasmanias’ FutureFest, a weeklong celebration of innovation and technology in Tasmania.


Title: Sovereignty or Surrender with Katy Cooper
Date: Tuesday 5 May 2020 (AEST)
Duration: 40-60 minutes
Start Time: 11.30a Melbourne/AEST (Find your local time)

About LAST Anywhere Talks

LAST stands for Lean, Agile and Systems Thinking. It was born out of meetup groups and then a conference, started in Melbourne AU in 2012. Since then, it grew to also be held in Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra and Adelaide. 1st Conference (Organisational Agility) and Spark the Change Melbourne (Meaning and Purpose at work and in society) are related conferences.

LAST Anywhere talks and workshops draw subject matter from the full range of topics covered by LAST, 1st and Spark the Change. Delivered online, they aim to provide non-formal learning and valuable interactions, and extend on the value provided by physical events.

All you need is a good internet connection, a webcam, headphones, and a microphone. Also, you will need the focus to be present and make the most of the session.